Fishing Clubs in Western Australia
Clubs Listed : 38
Broome Fishing Club —- Visited: 215 Times
Listing id: 21617
The Broome Fishing Club was established in the early 1980’s and has envolved sidnifically from its initial meeting in the caravan.
Website – Email
Cockburn Power Boat Association – Sport Fishing Group —- Visited: 292 Times
Listing id: 22017
The Sportfishing Group was established to cater for CPBA members who either wanted to affiliate with the Australian National Sportfishing Association (ANSA WA) and fish within ANSA guidelines or simply enjoyed their fishing as a sport.
Website – Email
Denmark Boating and Angling Club —- Visited: 248 Times
Listing id: 22014
Our fishing year begins with our May field day (third Saturday of the month) – held every year at Parry’s beach.
Website – Email
Drifters Deep Sea Angling Club —- Visited: 271 Times
Listing id: 22012
The club has always operated as a family club and social events are organised from time to time. Club meetings are held the Wednesday before the field day, these are currently being held at the Willeton Sportsman Club.
Website – Email
Esperance Surfcasters Club —- Visited: 23 Times
Listing id: 22011
Esperance Surfcasters Club may be reached thru PO Box 416, Esperance, WA 6450.
Exmouth Game Fishing Club —- Visited: 104 Times
Listing id: 21645
Exmouth Game Fishing Club may be reached thru PO Box 121, Exmouth, WA 6707
Website – Email
Fremantle Amateur Angling Club —- Visited: 579 Times
Listing id: 22009
The Fremantle Amateur Angling Club is a beach and rock & estuary recreational fishing club with a proud history, formed on the 28th of July 1958 the club has competed for over 50 years in all divisions of Veterans, Mens, Ladies, Juniors,and Mini-Juniors at Club, State and National Titles.
Fremantle Sailing Club – Game Fishing —- Visited: 145 Times
Listing id: 21857
The Fremantle Sailing Club’s Game Fishing Section is one of the State’s leading Game Fishing Clubs, and has a wide range of activities to cater for this exciting sport.
Geraldton Game Fishing Club —- Visited: 127 Times
Listing id: 21926
The Geraldton and District Offshore Fishing Club was first established in 1985. The Club started with approximately 25 members. In 1991 through the efforts of the Club members and the generosity of the Geraldton City Council, the present Club Premises were constructed. The Club has hosted rounds in both the State and Australian Amateur Fishing
Website – Email
Hillarys Yacht Club – Game Fishing —- Visited: 247 Times
Listing id: 21855
Game fishing is all about sport fishing for fish like Marlin, Wahoo, Spanish Mackerel, Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Yellow Tail Kingfish, Sampson fish and Sharks. We only keep the fish that we can eat, and tag and release others to ensure we conserve our fishery for the future.
Website – Email
Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club —- Visited: 24 Times
Listing id: 21923
Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club may be reached thru PO Box 350, Kalbarri, WA 6536.
08 993717…
King Bay Game Fishing Club Inc. —- Visited: 19 Times
Listing id: 21789
King Bay Game Fishing Club Inc. is located at The Esplanade, Dampier, WA 6713 .
08 918317…
Lancelin Angling & Aquatic Club —- Visited: 20 Times
Listing id: 21978
Lancelin Angling & Aquatic Club may be reached thru PO Box 61 Lancelin, WA 6044.
9655 2162…
Mandurah Offshore Fishing Club —- Visited: 171 Times
Listing id: 21795
The Club gained its initial strength from the amalgamation of both the local fishing and sailing clubs in 2000 – today a steady membership growth is a testament to the ongoing excellent management of the Club’s amenities and activities.
Mangles Bay Fishing Club —- Visited: 167 Times
Listing id: 21666
Mangles Bay Fishing Club was once known as ‘Marchant House’, a place for fishermen. Then, in 1973, the Point Peron Professional & Amateur Fisherman’s Association came into being with Eric Carruthers as it’s founding president.
Website – Email
Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club —- Visited: 337 Times
Listing id: 21853
MAAC is a great family club with something to offer anglers and aquatic lovers of all ages. Established in 1953, the club has grown to be multi-functional for the benefit of all its members.
Melville Amateur Angling Club —- Visited: 25 Times
Listing id: 22005
Melville Amateur Angling Club is located at 1 Friar John Way, Coolbellup, WA 6163.
9337 9866…
Mindarie and Districts Sea Sports Club —- Visited: 206 Times
Listing id: 22003
Mindarie and Districts Sea Sports Club was formed in mid 2007 in order to provide 6030 and it’s neighbours with a sea sports identity together with a base that gave a first class environment for its members.
Mount Barker Offshore Angling Club —- Visited: 19 Times
Listing id: 21993
Mount Barker Offshore Angling Club is located at 14 Andrews Street, Albany, WA 6330.
9841 7875…
Naturaliste Game & Sport Fishing Club —- Visited: 72 Times
Listing id: 21851
Naturaliste Game & Sport Fishing Club may be reached thru PO Box 441, Busselton, WA 6280.
Email 08 97541…
Nickol Bay Sport Fishing Club —- Visited: 97 Times
Listing id: 21920
The Nickol Bay Sportfishing Club is a division of the Hampton Harbour Boat and Sailing Club and is one of Western Australia’s most exciting and successsful Sportfishing Clubs.
Website – Email
Nor-west Game Fishing Club —- Visited: 119 Times
Listing id: 21807
Nor-west Game Fishing Club may be reached thru PO Box 1176, Bentley, WA 6983 .
Website – Email
Northern Districts Angling Club —- Visited: 27 Times
Listing id: 22000
Northern Districts Angling Club is located at 8 Berkeley Avenue, Nollamara, WA 6061.
0488 341…
Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club —- Visited: 288 Times
Listing id: 21997
The Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club is a family boating and social club overlooking the beautiful Indian Ocean and Ocean Reef Boat Harbour, just 25 minutes north of Perth.
Website – Email
Offshore Angling Club of Western Australia —- Visited: 393 Times
Listing id: 21995
The club is full of members eager to assist less experienced fishers who would like to improve their skills and success rate. Similarly for the more experienced fishers out there, there are more than enough ‘old salts’ to have friendly competition with, if the sporting side of the club is what attracts you.
Website – Email
Perth Game Fishing Club —- Visited: 162 Times
Listing id: 21670
Perth Game Fishing Club (PGFC) was formed in 1949 by a group of some 20 individuals who enjoyed a common interest in game fishing and had boats which could venture to Rottnest Island and beyond. Pelagic fish such as Spanish mackerel were abundant in those days and marlin were the pinnacle species for capture.
Perth Offshore Boat Angling Club of WA Inc. —- Visited: 47 Times
Listing id: 21990
Perth Offshore Boat Angling Club of WA Inc. may be reached thru PO Box 890, Balcatta WA 6914.
0418 940… 0418 9407…
Port Hedland Game Fishing Club —- Visited: 33 Times
Listing id: 21848
Port Hedland Game Fishing Club may be reached thru PO Box 124, Port Hedland, WA .
0428 9207…
Quinns Rocks Fishing Club —- Visited: 261 Times
Listing id: 21986
Quinns Rocks Fishing Club is a friendly, family orientated environment to meet new people and make new friends, meets every Friday at Gumblossom Community Hall, Tapping Way, Quinns Rocks between 5.30pm and 9pm.
Website – Email
Roebuck Bay Game Sports & Fishing Club Inc. —- Visited: 16 Times
Listing id: 21819
Roebuck Bay Game Sports & Fishing Club Inc. is located at Lot 956 Point St, Broome, WA 6725.
08 91936…
South Suburban Angling Club —- Visited: 52 Times
Listing id: 22023
South Suburban Angling Club may be reached thru PO Box 88 Gosnells, WA 6110.
Surf Casting and Angling Club —- Visited: 278 Times
Listing id: 21983
The Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA Inc. was formed in 1952 and is one of the oldest existing fishing clubs in Western Australia. The club has produced many State and National champions in all categories of competition.
Website – Email
Swan Yacht Club —- Visited: 169 Times
Listing id: 21981
Swan Yacht Club have thirty active members who fish once a month in a sports fishing competition aimed at giving each angler the same opportunity to win one of our many prizes.
Website – Email
Two Rocks Tightliners Fishing Club Inc. —- Visited: 24 Times
Listing id: 21827
Two Rocks Tightliners Fishing Club Inc. may be reached thru PO Box 43 Two Rocks, Two Rocks, WA 6037.
04 29089…
Warnbro Church of Christ Fishing Club —- Visited: 53 Times
Listing id: 22030
Warnbro Church of Christ Fishing Club is located at Warnbro Sound Ave., Warnbro, WA 6169.
Email 08 959321…
West Australian Trout & Freshwater Angling Association Inc. —- Visited: 318 Times
Listing id: 21931
The Western Australian Trout & Freshwater Angling Association is an organisation dedicated to the promotion of freshwater angling within Western Australia.
Website – Email
West Coast Angling Club Inc. —- Visited: 447 Times
Listing id: 22033
Our Club was formed in 2001 made up from the two oldest angling Clubs in Australia, being West Coast Angling Club formed in 1904 and Victoria Park Angling Club formed in 1908. We are a ” Not for Profit ” organisation and try to provide a boat fishing experience for those who cant do it on their own.
Website – Email
Whitfords Sea Sports Club —- Visited: 21 Times
Listing id: 21929
Whitfords Sea Sports Club is located at Ocean Reef Marina Ocean Reff, WA 6027.
08 94018…