Apex Clubs in Western Australia
Clubs Listed : 15
Apex Club Bridgetown —- Visited: 72 Times
Listing id: 47199
The club may be reached thru P.O Box 152. Bridgetown 6255.
Email 9761 128…
Apex Club Bunbury/Koombana —- Visited: 47 Times
Listing id: 47200
The club meets at Bunbury Apex Club Rooms cnr of Thomas and Hislop Street’s RSL HAll. Meetings 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month at 6:30pm.
Website – Email
Apex Club Busselton —- Visited: 25 Times
Listing id: 47201
The club meets at RSL Hall. Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 6:30pm .
Apex Club Capel —- Visited: 25 Times
Listing id: 47202
The club meets at Capel Apex Hall. Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.
Apex Club Corrigin —- Visited: 27 Times
Listing id: 47187
Meetings Corrigin District Club – 1st Friday of every Month at 6:30pm & Corrigin Hotel – 3rd Friday of Every Month at 6:30pm.
Apex Club Esperance —- Visited: 46 Times
Listing id: 47192
The club meets at Bay of Isles Comfort Inn. Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month at 6:30pm.
Apex Club Geraldton —- Visited: 26 Times
Listing id: 47189
The club meets at Midwest Football Academy. Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
Apex Club Hamersley —- Visited: 139 Times
Listing id: 47196
Members of Apex work together to serve their community’s greatest needs by promoting service, fellowship and community spirit. Apex Clubs work in their local town or suburb, but through the strength of the National Association of Apex Clubs, also work together to tackle larger community or social problems.
Website – Email
Apex Club Kununurra —- Visited: 21 Times
Listing id: 47198
The club meets at Ord River Sports Club. Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday of month.
Apex Club Manjimup —- Visited: 26 Times
Listing id: 47203
The club meets at Manjimup Apex Hall. Meetings 1st and 3rd Fridays at 6:30pm.
Apex Club Northam —- Visited: 30 Times
Listing id: 47188
The club meets at Northam Tavern. Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7pm.
Apex Club Perth —- Visited: 170 Times
Listing id: 32820
Apex is a volunteer service organisation that offers fellowship, fun and fabulous opportunities for personal development. Apex is also an Australian success story: since 1931 more than 250,000 young Australians have learnt a lot about themselves, gained new skills, made new friends and delivered more than 100 million hours of volunteer assistance to those in need. We are an authentic Australian service club that values citizenship, compassion and community engagement.
Apex Club Pingelly —- Visited: 19 Times
Listing id: 47190
The club meets at Apex Club rooms – Park St, Pingelly. Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7pm .
Apex Club Wagin —- Visited: 20 Times
Listing id: 47195
The club meets at Wagin District Club, Tudor Street, Wagin. Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm.
Apex Club Wongon Hills —- Visited: 17 Times
Listing id: 47191
The club meets at Wongon Hills Apex Lodge. Meetings 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30pm