Martial Arts Clubs in Victoria
Clubs Listed : 177
Academy Of Judo – Ground Zero —- Visited: 223 Times
Listing id: 5089
Academy Of Judo – Ground Zero is located at 377 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne CBD, VIC 3000.
Website – Email 0421 729 …
Advance Martial Arts Academy —- Visited: 128 Times
Listing id: 5070
Advance Martial Arts Academy is located at Our Lady of the Way Catholic School, Green Avenue, Kingsbury, VIC 3083
Website – Email
Aerostrike Combat Programs —- Visited: 110 Times
Listing id: 5213
Aerostrike Combat Programs is located at 6 Watt Street, Thornbury, VIC 3071
Website – Email
Aiki-Centre Melbourne —- Visited: 149 Times
Listing id: 5249
Aikido is a martial art renowned for dynamic, fluid movement, promoting calm relaxed power a supple body and fitness. Aiki-Centre offers specialized and separate classes for children from five years of age through to teens and adults. Aiki-Centre also provides a range of Aikido seminars to suit corporate and business development needs. community and school based programs.
Website – Email 03 9815 3…
Aiki-Kai Australia Caulfield Dojo —- Visited: 63 Times
Listing id: 3898
Aiki-Kai Australia Caulfield Dojo is located at Caulfield Judo Club, Rear of 1147 Glen Huntly Rd, Glen Huntly. 8 week Beginners Courses run regularly. Melway Ref: 68 E5.
Aiki-Kai Australia, Clifton Hill —- Visited: 37 Times
Listing id: 4976
Aiki-Kai Australia, Clifton Hill training is located at Athol Gill Centre (St. Mark’s Church) 100 Hodgkinson Street, Clifton Hill. Melway Ref: 44 C2
Aikido Assoc. Australia —- Visited: 67 Times
Listing id: 4956
Conventional Aikido has always been practised by means of Kata and it was impossible to objectify its real power as is done in Judo and Kendo. Professor Tomiki who noticed this deficiency in the teaching materials used in the schools, therefore devised the Randori training system.
Kata is practised as a means of developing basic principles, ie: Posture, Balance Breaking and Movement. In Randori training students are taught combination and continuation techniques etc..enabling them to deal with non cooperating partners as in sport. Aikido Association Australia is located at 2 Cornwall Street, Brunswick West, VIC 3055.
Website – Email
Aikido Dentoukan —- Visited: 120 Times
Listing id: 3902
We are a Martial Arts school training in the Traditional Style of Aikido (as taught by Morihei Ueshiba O’Sensei and his Technical Heir Morihiro Saito Sensei). Currently situated at 479 Belmore Road Mont Albert North, our Dojo has been training beginners to Blackbelt for some 10 years.
Website – Email 0413 138 …
Aikido Takemusu Melbourne —- Visited: 129 Times
Listing id: 3873
Aikido Melbourne (Takemusu), is martial art that is a comprehensive mental and physical training.
Website – Email 03 9877 1…
Aikido Victoria Brunswick Dojo —- Visited: 102 Times
Listing id: 3866
The Aikido Victoria Brunswick Dojo was established in November 2000 by Simon Pearce in order to promote this fascinating art of self-defence in a safe, methodical and supportive way by highly qualified and experienced instructors.
Website 03 9484 6… 0401 859 …
Aikido Yuishinkai —- Visited: 67 Times
Listing id: 5130
Aikido South Kingsville Dojo provides a secure, friendly environment where we can begin to see and understand our fears, anxieties, reactions and habits. The concentration and discipline required for Aikido training brings focus to our daily lives. Aikido challenges us to improve our skills and attempt new things.
Website 0404 028 …
Aikijujutsu Daito Ryu —- Visited: 89 Times
Listing id: 5053
Aikijujutsu Daito Ryu is located at 7 Marlyn Circuit, Highton, VIC 3216
Website (03) 5243… 0419 432 …
Akira Yamada Judo Academy —- Visited: 112 Times
Listing id: 4972
Judo is often referred to as a physical game of chess. Based on the principle that gentleness can control force, Judo or The Gentle Way’ is not aggressive and is a most efficient self-defence martial art. Male & female, beginners and experienced, of any fitness level, can join classes at any time. Spectators, including little children, are welcome to watch free of charge. In addition to learning Judo, students have the opportunity to practise their Japanese with Mr. Yamada!
Website – Email 03 9578 4… 0429 482 …
Alan Murdoch Shukokai Karate —- Visited: 129 Times
Listing id: 4998
The Shukokai Karate Dojo has accredited instructors and personal trainers dedicated to your personal development and work with you to achieve your goal. It’s suitable for male and female of all ages. The purpose of the Shukokai Karate is to provide a safe haven of positive energy and instruction where all may develop their strength, power, accuracy and leadership.
Whilst effective training is the key point to success, it’s also enjoyable and entertaining along the way. You will have the opportunity to meet new friends and train with some of our Victorian and Australian Champions, as well as International Champions. These are just some of the great benefits we can offer you. Dandenong club has always had a strong reputation due to the standard of the students in Kata and Kumite.
Website – Email 03 9794 6… 0404 838 …
All Stars Self Defence Centres —- Visited: 103 Times
Listing id: 3878
All Stars Health, Fitness & Martial Arts Academy is an Australian Owned Martial Arts Studio based in East Bentleigh, in the south east of Melbourne. We provide group classes, personal training, holiday programs, training camps & spiritual healing. (Other locations also available) All Stars Self Defence Centres is located at 10/236 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East, VIC 3165
Website – Email
Anshin Ryu Ju Jitsu —- Visited: 111 Times
Listing id: 3887
Anshin Ryu Ju Jitsu is a very strong form of self defense that is continually developing so as to suit the times that we live in. Founder (soke) and principle instructor Soke Ron Ramadge has over forty five years experience in martial arts and has been teaching Ju Jitsu since 1975. Anshin Ryu Ju Jitsu operates with in the PPCYC Youth Club and Soke Ron gives his time freely to the club. Soke Ron says that watching people achieve and grow through taking part in learning Ju Jitsu is reward enough
Website 0412 498 …
Art Of Defence Australia (A.D.A.) —- Visited: 122 Times
Listing id: 4896
Art of Defence Australia is an Australian family owned and operated company that has spent the past 20 years promoting the art of good physical and mental well being. ADA is into the healthy growth and development of its clients through Fun, Fitness and Self Defence.
Website – Email 0407 320 …
Ashihara Karate Whittington —- Visited: 97 Times
Listing id: 5245
Ashihara Karate whilst a modern streetwise self defence system, still embraces traditional values. Ashihara Karate Whittington is located at Cnr Townsend & Wilsons Rds, Whittington, VIC 3219
Website – Email 03 5241 5… 0414 508 …
Australian & International Ju-Jitsu Karate Dojos —- Visited: 118 Times
Listing id: 4892
Soke Sam Gervasi, one of Australia’s leading exponents in martial arts and in fields of natural health, is the founder and head instructor of the Australian and International Ju-jitsu/Karate Dojos and the founder and principal of the International College of Martial Arts and Natural Therapies. Innovative and dynamic he has blended his knowledge of boxing, martial arts and his love of the healing arts to become one of the most well regarded and respected martial artists in Australia.
Website – Email (03) 9336…
Australian Formfighting —- Visited: 86 Times
Listing id: 5035
Formfighting is a Martial Arts concept developed by Mr Phill Zdybel. Mr Zdybel’s personal philosophy is the way of Balance, Flow and flexibility in body, mind and spirit. Phill has been involved in the Martial Arts for well over the last twenty six years. During which time he has gained Dan certification with the WTF, ITF, GABB and attended numerous cross training seminars conducted by recognised Australian Martial Artists, competed at a world championship level and coached and instructed Junior members to world championships. In relation and what some of you may be wondering where does Taekwondo fit into all of this? Well this is to do with first official recognisation came from TKD but also feel that it is valuable to us for a sporting aspect within our martial art. It will give you all the opportunity to compete at state, national and international level. But on the same lines you will also have the opportunity if you wish, to undertake official TKD recognisation.
Website – Email 0418 513 …
Australian Freestyle Combat —- Visited: 180 Times
Listing id: 5211
Developed in 1979 by Mick Nicholls, Freestyle Combat is a Modern Traditional Karate System blending Karate, Kali (Filipino martial art) and Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do into a very unique and effective Martial Art. From the very first lesson, you will learn self defence techniques that work in real life situations. As your skills increase, so do the variety of applications. Australian Freestyle Combat’s mission is to keep you safe with no fancy moves, just what is proven to work. An effective self protection system, that we hope you will never have to use, but one day, may just save you life.
Website – Email 0418 99O …
Australian Goju Karate – Ashburton —- Visited: 121 Times
Listing id: 4893
Despite having little or no serious direction toward “Competition” Karate (less than 1% of our students train for competiton) Australian Goju Karate consistently produces State, National and International Champions at the highest level and standard of competition. Australian Goju Karate is a full member of the Australian Karate Federation which is the highest credentialled organisation in Australia. Australian Goju Karate is located at 413 High Street, Ashburton Victoria.
Website – Email 03 9886 9… 0407-047-…
Australian Kendo Dojos – Blackburn —- Visited: 114 Times
Listing id: 5224
Kendo is the art of Japanese swordsmanship that was originally developed and practiced by the Samurai. It’s theory, techniques, and methods of training, have been handed down through the centuries. Although far from ancient Japan, Kendo is still trained with all the vigour, skill and enthusiasm of the days of the Samurai. Today Kendo is practiced as a sport, but still using the same principle of perfecting mind and body. The goal of Kendo is not only to develop the physical capability of fighting, but also the moral and spiritual aspects that may be applied in coping with real life. Australian Kendo Dojos – Blackburn is located at 2nd Blackburn Scout Hall, Pakenham Rd, Blackburn, VIC.
Website – Email (03) 9754…
Australian Kodokan Judo Association —- Visited: 93 Times
Listing id: 5153
Kodokan Judo traces it’s origin to the Founder of Judo, Kano Jigoro Sensei, who, in 1882, combined the teachings of his JuJitsu Masters, Fukuda Hachinosuke (Tenshin Shinyo), Iso Masatomo (Tenshin Shinyo) & Tsunetoshi Ikubo (Kito Ryu), and galvanized the essential elements of each into a cohesive, educative and formidable martial arts practice.
Website – Email
Australian Kyokushin Karate Association, Norlane —- Visited: 94 Times
Listing id: 5136
Shihancho Gary Viccars has been training continuously in Kyokushin karate for over 40 years. The title of Shihancho was bestowed upon him by the IKO Matsushima Organization to which he belongs and it means ‘boss of the Shihans’. He was graded to the rank of 7th Dan in 2006 by Kancho Matsushima, 9th Dan and Hanshi John Taylor 9th Dan. As such he is one of the foremost instructors of Kyokushin Karate in the World and is also recognized as one of the top referee’s in the World. He was promoted to Branch Chief personally by Sosai Oyama in 1993. Shihancho leads his Branch in training in traditional Kyokushin Karate as taught to him by Sosai Mas Oyama. His mission statement is to provide the members of his Branch with as much opportunity for the development of their skills in Kyokushin Karate as possible (both technical and personal). To this end he provides training seminars, camps and tournaments (no contact, knockdown and kata) as vehicles for their development. As well as running his own dojo he freely gives of his time to provide weekly training for all green belts and above and a special weekly class for all those attempting dan grades during the year. In addition he travels to various dojo for a ‘floating’ advanced class once a week. His Branch members have access to training with a 7th Dan on a consistent basis and that is a very rare bonus that many others do not get. Shihancho has dojo all over Victoria as well as several dojo in Tasmania. Australian Kyokushin Karate Association, Norlane is located at North Shore Primary School, Tallis St, North Shore.
Website – Email 03 5275 3… 0413 087 …
Australian School Of Shotokan Karate —- Visited: 97 Times
Listing id: 5233
Shotokan Karate is a form of unarmed combat – Karate meaning empty hand. ASSK is an organisation that caters for people from all different cultural backgrounds, from ages of 6 years and up. Karate improves health, fitness and wellbeing, while teaching you self-defence skills. Karate can be practised either as a discipline for personal development, a sport for fitness, or a skill for self-defence. Karate is a progressive form of physical training and functional movement, helping you reach an optimum level of physical fitness at any age. We offer adult classes for Beginners and Intermediate combined, and separate Advanced classes.
Website – Email 03 9480 6…
Australian Tang Soo Tao —- Visited: 73 Times
Listing id: 5036
Melbourne Tang Soo Tao is a traditional martial arts school, part of the Australian Tang Soo Tao Federation inc. It has a culture of supportive but direct instruction to help you use martial arts as a vehicle for personal development. Whether you’re interested in martial arts for fitness, spiritual development, physical or mental confidence or simply for personal safety, Tang Soo Tao has an unbroken lineage of thousands of years of eastern traditional martial knowledge combined with the latest training techniques to help you achieve your personal training goals and to help enrich your life.
Website 03 5278 7… 0418 315 …
AUSVIC Taekwondo Academy —- Visited: 75 Times
Listing id: 3886
Taekwondo as a sport and exercise is popular with people of both sexes and of many ages. Physically, taekwondo develops strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. An example of the union of mental and physical discipline is the breaking of boards, which requires both physical mastery of the technique and the concentration to focus one’s strength. Improve your fitness and total well being while you learn the exciting art and science of Taekwondo. All you need to do is visit one of our training centres and we will help you ease into training.
Website 0421 748 …
Ballarat & Western Victorian Taekwondo —- Visited: 66 Times
Listing id: 3872
Ballarat’s longest serving / stand alone Taekwondo school and is the original and only known Ballarat Taekwondo School in Ballarat and Western Victoria. For 39 years -Ballarat Taekwondo has trained well over 1000 -Blackbelts & other participants of Taekwondo. Our members have entered either Club or State level Competitions.
Website (03) 5331… 0427 513 …
Ballarat Karate Club —- Visited: 65 Times
Listing id: 4901
Ballarat Karate Club provides a permanent location for the training of its members located at 9 Moyle Street, Ballarat, Victoria 3350 Australia
Website – Email
Balwyn Judo Club —- Visited: 95 Times
Listing id: 5068
Balwyn Judo Club club has been around for over 51 years. It is situated in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne in the State of Victoria, Australia.
Website – Email (03) 9859… 0419 542 …
Barry Pang Kung Fu Schools —- Visited: 146 Times
Listing id: 5250
Barry Pang Kung Fu Schools have been operating for more than 30 years. The School was founded by the ‘Pioneer of Kung Fu’, Barry Pang in the early 1970s. It has since produced many national champions in both form and fighting. It is now renowned as one of the most established and professional Kung Fu schools in Australia.
Website – Email 0431 202 …
Bendigo & Central Victorian Kyokushin Karate Centre —- Visited: 89 Times
Listing id: 4923
Kyokushin Karate was founded by Masutatsu (Mas) Oyama, known as Sosai. Sosai held a 10th dan Black Belt. Sadly, Oyama passed away in 1994 aged 70 years. Kyokushin, meaning “Ultimate truth” is a Japanese influenced style of Martial Arts and is also known as the “strongest Karate”.
Website – Email 03 5442 4… 0438 768 …
Bendigo Judo Academy —- Visited: 51 Times
Listing id: 5003
A social country club with black belt instructors, about twenty members with a permanent laid mat and gym equipment we teach basic and elite judo as a sport. We also give instruction on how to effectively use it as a self defence and compliment other sports to most ages and abilities with emphasis on technique, co-ordination, tactics and competition.
Email (03) 5446…
Bendigo Ryu Jujitsu —- Visited: 89 Times
Listing id: 4924
Since the early 1980’s, Shihan Trevor Smith has been developing his own style of martial art with a predominance of traditional Japanese Ju Jitsu and Karate with a good bit of Judo mixed in.
Website – Email 03 5442 6…
Bentleigh Southern KDK Judo Inc. —- Visited: 80 Times
Listing id: 4931
Bentleigh Southern KDK Judo Inc. is located at 5 Higgins Road, Bentleigh, VIC 3204.
Website – Email 03 9580 5…
Black Belt Studios —- Visited: 80 Times
Listing id: 5034
Whether you are looking to learn personal safety skills, take up a combat sport hobby or simply widen your social circle, we are here for you. We teach Mixed Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and ‘Mat Rats’ Kids Grappling. Like many people who have had a life-changing experience, we want you to benefit in the same way and to this end we are happy to offer you a SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER – that will afford you up to a 50% saving on normal rates.
Website – Email 03 52 233…
Boroondara Martial Arts Centre —- Visited: 95 Times
Listing id: 47766
Offers martial arts classes: Taekwondo (Traditional and Sparring), Arnis, Kyusho Jitsu, Fight Back Women’s Self Defence and other activities. We understand that Taekwondo may not be for everyone, however the only way to find out if it’s for you is to come along and give it a try. So to help you make up your mind, we are offering a FREE introduction, with 4 weeks of Taekwondo (Traditional) lessons, to you and your family at no cost and totally obligation free during the term.
Website – Email 0411 257 …
Casey Elite Martial Arts —- Visited: 147 Times
Listing id: 4992
C.E.M.A is the most progressive and best equipt facility not only in the City of Casey but also the South East. Our instructors are the best in their fields and offer you training programs that will reshape your life both physicaly and mentally. The unique aspect of Martial Arts is the way it ‘transfers’ into your everyday life.
Website – Email 03 5995 4… 0448 814 …
Caulfield Judo School —- Visited: 76 Times
Listing id: 5039
A member of Judo Victoria, Judo Federation of Australia and the Olympic body for Judo in Australia. Arthur J Moorshead with two other partners leased land and built the club in 1963. Over the ensuing years Arthur bought the two partners out and in 1993 Arthur and Susie Moorshead purchased the land. The original mats were sawdust covered with carpet underlay (cowfelt) in those days, which was covered with a canvas. The canvas had to be replaced approximately every three years and it was decided in 1982 to import mats from Foldeak in Germany. Caulfield Judo Club today is amongst the largest permanent dojo’s in Australia – with a tatami area of 198 m sq.
Website – Email 03 9077 1…
Ceberano Martial Arts Academy – Canterbury —- Visited: 85 Times
Listing id: 40387
Our aim is to make karate a great and rewarding experience for everyone who participates. There’s also the fitness aspect. If you want to be healthy and toned, karate is a great form of exercise that’s a lot of fun. Ceberano Martial Arts Academy – Canterbury is located at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 2 Margaret St, Canterbury, VIC.
Website – Email 03 9646 2…
Ceberano Martial Arts Academy – Doncaster —- Visited: 100 Times
Listing id: 40385
Many people see karate simply as a form of self defence. However there is so much more to be learned and enjoyed. The benefits of studying karate are much greater than you might realise. Students are more focused, more confident, and more disciplined. Parents especially like the positive influence karate contributes to their child’s development. Children learn about listening to instructions and working as a group.
Ceberano Martial Arts Academy – Doncaster is Located at Corner High Street & Doncaster Road, Doncaster, VIC.
Website – Email 03 9646 2…
Ceberano Martial Arts Academy – Eltham —- Visited: 63 Times
Listing id: 40388
At Ceberano Martial Arts Academy, we have a long history with the Goju style of Karate. We teach traditional karate, according to the ways and principals of International Goju Karate, one of the most respected forms of karate in Australia. Located at Research Primary School, 1570 Main Rd, Research, VIC.
Website – Email 03 9646 2…
Ceberano Martial Arts Academy – Port Melbourne —- Visited: 63 Times
Listing id: 5199
The benefits of learning karate are numerous. Fitness, confidence, focus, discipline and respect are among the many benefits of learning a martial art. We take great pride in sharing and teaching karate and believe that this ancient skill is an art form and that our students learn the beauty and technical prowess of that art form as they progress. Our students are encouraged to demonstrate good manners, respect, and understanding to help them be a positive part of our community. Located at 429 Graham Street, Port Melbourne, VIC.
Website – Email 03 9646 2…
Celestial Tai Chi College —- Visited: 69 Times
Listing id: 4942
The Celestial Tai Chi College of Australia was founded in January 1990 by two Chinese Masters, both of whom have credentials from their native Asia. The Celestial Tai Chi College operates 20 centres around Melbourne, Victoria offering day and evening classes in Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Qong and various Wushu forms. It has one of the most comprehensive and systematic teaching syllabus for all students and specialised training program for instructors and trainee instructors. The college also runs corporate classes in business hours and day classes in community centres. It has also conducted various courses and workshops in schools, colleges, business institutions, hospitals, Melbourne Remand Centre and The Royal Australian Air Force.
Website 03 9840 2…
Chikara Shukokai Karate Studio —- Visited: 134 Times
Listing id: 5010
Chikara Karate was established in Endeavour Hills in 1985 by Sensei Joe Templin. During this time the club has evolved into the biggest and best club in Endeavour Hills!
Combines traditional values and disciplines with modern teaching methods. Specialising in classes from 4 years through to senior level. Good balance of male and female participants. Beginners welcome. Learn new skills in a fun and friendly environment. Increase your strength, fitness, flexibility and co-ordination. Improve your concentration and self discipline. Boost your confidence and self esteem – create a positive mind, body and spirit.
Website – Email 03 9584 5… 0407 547 …
City Aikido – MGS Dojo —- Visited: 97 Times
Listing id: 3875
Scott Eggenton has been studying Aikido for the past 12 years in Melbourne under the auspices of Shihan Sugano and currently holds a shodan (first degree black belt) awarded by Shihan Sugano in 2000. He has additionally completed several certificate courses including Shiatsu massage, Kenisiology TH1, Security (guarding), Vicfit, Senior First Aid and Small Business Management. Scott Eggenton began teaching Aikido as an instructor for Aiki Kai Australia at the Victorian Hombu (headquarters) Dojo in 2004. During this time he developed a successful childrens` program which now continues to run at the Heidelberg Dojo which he established in 2005 after completing the National Coaching Accreditation Level 1 Course (NCAS1) Sport Specific, Aikido. City Aikido is located at 1 Domain Rd, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
Website 03 9440 6… 040141031…
City West Taekwondo —- Visited: 96 Times
Listing id: 5056
Renowned for its professionalism and proven success, CITY WEST TKD continues to lead the way in martial arts throughout Melbourne, Victoria’s western community. All our programs are specifically tailored and classes are conducted in a safe and friendly environment by qualified Blackbelt instructors, who pride themselves on a solid commitment to the development of all students. Constructive lesson plans are structured to ensure efficient and highly skilled learning of self defence and martial art techniques.
Website – Email (03) 9748… 0402 900 …
Dave Franklin Martial Arts —- Visited: 83 Times
Listing id: 5155
Jujitsu the original complete martial art, practiced since ancient times by the Japanese Samurai, from which most other traditional Japanese martial art forms are derived. Jujitsu has evolved to meet the challenges of modern self defence, and under the direct instruction of Soke (head of style) students will be carefully guided to understand self defence in all situations.
Dave Franklin Martial Arts Point Cook focus on providing cost effective practical self defence training for all ages and fitness levels – Located in theWestern Suburbs of Melbourne, Point Cook, Werribee, Hoppers Crossing
Website 0402 853 …
Doce Pares Martial Arts Academy —- Visited: 185 Times
Listing id: 3870
Eskrima (also known as Arnis or Kali) is a traditional weapon based Filipino martial art based on principles of flowing, economy of motion and adaptability. We are a martial art club following Doce Pares Multi-Style International curriculum, as written by SGM. Dionisio A. Canete. Doce Pares is considered to be Multi-Style system in that in covers training with a variety of weapons over short, medium and long ranges.
Doce Pares Martial Arts Academy is a full time martial arts centre running classes in traditional Filipino Martial arts, Freestyle Karate, Mixed martial arts, Muay Thai Kickboxing and Kids martial arts programs.
Website – Email 0403 876 …