Volleyball & Beach Volleyball Clubs in Victoria
Clubs Listed : 29
Bairnsdale Volleyball Association —- Visited: 31 Times
Listing id: 2651
Located at Bairnsdale Recreation & Aquatic Centre (run by the YMCA) McKean Street Bairnsdale
03 5157 5…
Bellarine Volleyball Association —- Visited: 60 Times
Listing id: 2653
Club is located at Surfside Centre, Shell Rd, Ocean Grove, please contact – Anne Kuklych
Email 03 5256 …
Bendigo Volleyball Association —- Visited: 60 Times
Listing id: 2654
The BVA will once again be conducting the Junior Dragon City Tournament this year. It is on Sun Sept 13. Open, Under 17 and Under 15 in Honours and Division 1 will once again be available.
.. Croydon and Districts Volleyball Association, Inc —- Visited: 70 Times
Listing id: 48364
Croydon Volleyball (Croydon and Districts Volleyball Association Inc) runs a social mixed and Women’s competition on Tuesday and Thursday night at the AquaHub stadium, 11 Civic Square Croydon. Croydon Volleyball also runs SpikeZone (Primary School Age) program and Junior Training on Thursdays. Croydon 36’s is CDVA’s state league club which competes in the Volleyball Victoria League (VVL), various tournaments and masters games.
Website – Email 040769119…
Dandenong Cossacks Volleyball Club —- Visited: 248 Times
Listing id: 2642
The Dandenong Cossacks Volleyball Club has a proud history as a competitive volleyball club in Victoria. We are a diverse club with a passion for learning, success and we believe in supporting each and every club member. The clubs main focus is the State League Competition, but it caters for all levels of interest, with men’s, women’s and junior teams.All new players are welcome at the club.
Website – Email 0423 236 …
Eastern Metropolitan Volleyball Association —- Visited: 239 Times
Listing id: 2655
This Volleyball competition has been running for over 40 years, catering predominately for players in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne. Competition is held at the State Volleyball Centre Dandenong, near the corner of Stud Rd and Monash Freeway. There are 2 seasons per year, with a Mens (Wednesday Night) and Womens (Thursday Night) competition.
Website – Email 0402 118 …
Falcons Volleyball Club —- Visited: 340 Times
Listing id: 2644
Melbourne Falcons Volleyball Club is based in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne and is one of Australia’s largest & most successful volleyball clubs.Our primary focus is the Victorian Volleyball League (VVL) which is played on Saturday’s (April to September) at the State Volleyball Centre in Dandenong.The club has a junior focus with over 80% of our members being below the age of 18.
Geelong Volleyball Association —- Visited: 61 Times
Listing id: 2667
Competitions are run at Leisuretime Centre, Anakie Road, Bell Post Hil.
Website 5275 6563…
Heidelberg Men’s Volleyball Club —- Visited: 122 Times
Listing id: 2645
The Heidelberg Volleyball Club has a long and proud history, as one of the most successful clubs in Victoria, and in Australia.The club’s main focus is the State League Competition, but it caters for all levels of interest, with men’s, women’s and junior teams. All new players are welcome at the club. Try us out. Learn from top standard coaches, at a friendly club.
Horsham Volleyball Association —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 2656
If you have any queries regarding the tournament, please contact David Berry on 0407 810 803
Korumburra Volleyball Association —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 2657
Location , The Korumburra Recreation Centre ~ Elizabeth Street Korumburra. contact – BH – 03 5658 1043
Latrobe Valley Volleyball Inc —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 2658
Located at 40 Wallace St, Morwell, 3840, contact – 03 5134 2641 or 0407 361 222
Melbourne University Renegades Volleyball Club —- Visited: 145 Times
Listing id: 2646
The Melbourne University Renegades Volleyball Club was formed in 2000 through the amalgamation of Melbourne University Volleyball Club and Footscray Renegades Volleyball Club. The new club is based at the University of Melbourne, with training facilities at the university’s Parkville campus and in Melbourne’s western suburbs.
Mildura Sunraysia Volleyball Inc. —- Visited: 60 Times
Listing id: 2659
Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Social runs from April through to September on a Wednesday night. Under 17’s, Under 15’s and Under 13’s runs a winter session from April to September, and a summer session runs from October to December on a Monday night at the St Joseph College Stadium, 11th Street Mildura.�
Monash Volleyball Club —- Visited: 136 Times
Listing id: 2647
After a somewhat lengthy absence, Monash University Volleyball Club is finally back online. So for news, events, and maybe some discussion of post-modern existentialism, you all know where to come. Email: barrymag@pacific.net.au�
Mornington Volleyball Association —- Visited: 139 Times
Listing id: 2660
Mornington Volleyball Association also runs weekly social competitions for local residents.�
Mornington Volleyball Club —- Visited: 116 Times
Listing id: 2648
Mornington Volleyball Club is a non-profit sports club bringing the sport of volleyball to the Mornington Peninsula community at a professional and affordable level. We cater for all levels of both beach and indoor volleyball.Along with our extensive playing opportunities members of Mornington Volleyball Club also enjoy an vast array of coaching and referee development. Players and parents wanting to take a more active involvement in the sports non-playing aspects will find plenty of opportunity to do so.�
Mortlake Volleyball Association —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 2661
The Association runs an annual Mixed Pennant consisting of 3 men and 3 women (aged 14+).� The competition runs May – November in the evenings. contact – 0429 992 626 Email judirob@bipond.net.au.
Riddell’s Creek Volleyball Association —- Visited: 48 Times
Listing id: 2662
Riddell’s Creek Volleyball Association runs weekly mixed social competitions for local residents on Monday Night.The association also has a successful representative mens side that competes in regional tournaments and the intention is to expand this to also include�womens and youth squads.�
Romsey Volleyball Association —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 2663
Romsey Volleyball Association have recently become re-affiliated with VVI. We welcome them back!. contact – emmajames@dodo.com.au
Southern Cross Fairhills Volleyball Club —- Visited: 178 Times
Listing id: 2649
Southern Cross Volleyball Club was co-founded in 1986 by Andrew Strugnell and Dan Higgins. Andrew is currently assistant coach to Russell Borgeaud for VTAM (Volleyball Team Australia Men)and Dan is currently the Victorian under 17 boys coach, Volleyschool Program Director, Volleycamp Technical Director, coaching director at Scotch College, head coach for the senior boys at Caulfield Grammar and an Australian National Junior Boys Assistant Squad Coach.
St. Albans Football Club —- Visited: 65 Times
Listing id: 38536
A public meeting was called to be held at the St Albans Fire Station in September 1946. The reason for this meeting was to form a Football Club. That Club is the St. Albans Football Club as we know it today. Twenty six people attended this meeting.
Volleyball Ballarat —- Visited: 56 Times
Listing id: 2652
It is the only volleyball in Ballarat affiliated with Volleyball Victoria and the Australian Volleyball Federation.he Association runs graded competitions and social competition at the Arch stadium, Ballarat High School, Sturt St�
Volleyball Victoria —- Visited: 121 Times
Listing id: 2640
n the last nine years, Volleyball Victoria has reached heights never before achieved, and through the addition of the State Volleyball Centre, we have become the envy of the Volleyball community throughout Australia.
Warrnambool Volleyball Association —- Visited: 42 Times
Listing id: 2664
Warrnambool Volleyball Association has a long and proud history of introducing players to one of the world’s most popular non-contact sports. We pride ourselves in maintaining professional standards in coaching, administration, and above all else, ensuring enjoyment for our members. Contact – 03 5561 6733 or 0400 298 670
West Gippsland Volleyball Assocication —- Visited: 46 Times
Listing id: 2666
The West Gippsland Volleyball Association is dedicated to promoting Volleyball in the West Gippsland area. We are also enthusiastically determined to maximize participation, provide competition and to increase the public profile and support of an exciting and challenging sport.�
Western Region Vollyball Association —- Visited: 122 Times
Listing id: 2665
We provide enjoyable and beneficial experiences through volleyball to people of all ages and backgrounds. We enhance their sense of security and inclusion, whilst also forming strong partnerships with school communities and corporate organizations.We are fortunate enough to positively impact the lives of many people every week, which means we are also able to provide jobs for many people in Melbourne�s West.�
Wolfpack Volleyball Club —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 2680
Club location: Albany Drive Mulgarve East, Victoria. Contact – 03 9545 1070
Yarra Rangers Volleyball Club —- Visited: 153 Times
Listing id: 2650
Yarra Ranges Volleyball Club evolved from the Monbulk Volleyball Club which began formally in 1989. The club operates in and around the Yarra Ranges area in the outer east of Melbourne.The Yarra Ranges Volleyball Club is based on teamwork and becoming better people as well as better players. Loyalty and a hard working training ethos are paramount to our success.�