Social and General Clubs in Tasmania
Clubs Listed : 7
ANZ Staff Social Club Inc. —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 41530
The club is located at 40 Elizabeth St, Hobart, TAS, 7000 – PH# 03 6221 2669.
Australian Croatian Social and Sporting Club Launceston —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 41529
The club is located at 22 Forster St., Launceston, TAS 7250 – PH# 03 6331 7939.
Australian Rostrum Inc.(Tasmania) —- Visited: 30 Times
Listing id: 41742
Rostrum is for those who desire to improve themselves in the practice of effective speaking and meeting procedure and who hold that freedom of speech, loyalty to truth, clarity of thought and a love of the English language are of utmost value to the community.
Colony 47 Inc. —- Visited: 26 Times
Listing id: 41531
The club may be reached thru GPO Box 1679 Hobart 7001 – PH# 1800 265 669.
Friendship Force of Hobart Inc —- Visited: 54 Times
Listing id: 47438
Friendship Force fosters understanding across the barriers that separate people through a program of home hosting of members from other FF clubs – about 350 worldwide.
The Compassionate Friends (TCF) Hobart —- Visited: 25 Times
Listing id: 48548
Meetings held in the TAHP premises, rear of ‘Royden’, Patrick Street, 3rd Tuesday in February, April, June, August, October and December
Website – Email 1800 641 … 0400 925…