Charities and Charitables Clubs in Tasmania
Clubs Listed : 27
ADRA Australia —- Visited: 72 Times
Listing id: 46034
ADRA Australia works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action.
Website – Email
Appin Hall Children’s Foundation —- Visited: 55 Times
Listing id: 45597
Appin Hall is dedicated to the future generations who will intuitively understand our planetary need for peace and harmony if the human race is to survive as a species….we must protect our children and their future.
Website – Email
Australian Red Cross —- Visited: 36 Times
Listing id: 45217
Relief in times of crisis, care when it’s needed most and commitment when others turn away. Red Cross is there for people in need, no matter who you are, no matter where you live.
Website – Email
Brain Injury Association Of Tasmania —- Visited: 43 Times
Listing id: 44388
The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania is a non-government, state-wide, not-for-profit organisation that has a range of members. BIAT receives re-current funding from the Motor Accident Insurance Board’s Injury and Prevention Foundation Charities Committee, and the Department of Health and Human Services (Disability Services).
Website – Email
CanTeen The Australian Organisation For Young People Living With Cancer —- Visited: 47 Times
Listing id: 44780
CanTeen – The Australian Organisation for Young People Living with Cancer – is a national support organisation for 12 – 24 year olds who are living with cancer, and is the only organisation of its kind in Australia.
Website – Email
Carers Tasmania —- Visited: 55 Times
Listing id: 44787
Carers provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are frail.
Website – Email
Cystic Fibrosis Tasmania —- Visited: 26 Times
Listing id: 44625
Cystic Fibrosis Tasmania Inc. (CFT) was established in 1995, to support and assist Tasmanian people affected by CF. Currently, we have 10 board directors who all operate on a volunteer basis only, and CFT offers its services to around 100 member families. No government funding is provided and we rely heavily on the generosity of others to help us keep providing the services we offer.
Devils in Danger Foundation Inc. —- Visited: 51 Times
Listing id: 45936
The Devils in Danger Foundation (DIDF) is a Foundation set up specifically to save the Tasmanian Devil on the Register for Environmental Organisations. DIDF is a Non Government Funded Deductible Gift Recipient Organisation dedicated to saving the Tasmanian Devil.
Website – Email
Foodbank of Tasmania —- Visited: 98 Times
Listing id: 44836
Foodbank is a non-denominational, charitable organisation which sources donated and surplus food from the food and grocery industry to distribute to welfare and community agencies that provide food assistance to people in need.
Website – Email
Heart Foundation —- Visited: 18 Times
Listing id: 45606
The Heart Foundation saves lives and improves health through funding world-class cardiovascular research, guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular disease.
Hobart Cat Centre —- Visited: 28 Times
Listing id: 45609
The Hobart Cat Centre Inc., is a self-funded, apolitical, non-profit organisation, which exists to shelter and humanely deal with unwanted kittens and cats, and to work with and educate all of the Tasmanian community on methods and benefits of responsible cat ownership.
Website – Email
Kidney Health Australia —- Visited: 21 Times
Listing id: 45899
Kidney Health Australia was first incorporated on 9 August 2020 as a non-profit organisation which has served the kidney community of Australia now for over 40 years. Kidney Health Australia’s mission, vision and values are at the core of how we conduct our business and form the foundation for our future direction.
Website – Email
Leukaemia Foundation —- Visited: 26 Times
Listing id: 45364
We are dedicated to the care and cure of patients and families living with leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders.
Website – Email
Lupus Association of Tasmania —- Visited: 34 Times
Listing id: 44946
The Lupus Association of Tasmania covers the island of Tasmania and its 19 surrounding islands with an area of 68,000 square kilometres and with a population of approximately 471,900. The Lupus Association of Tasmania is a non-profit organization served by volunteers.
Website – Email
National Breast Cancer Foundation —- Visited: 17 Times
Listing id: 45300
The foundation may be reached thru Janelle Larkin, PO Box 491 North Hobart TAS 7002.
Website – Email
National Heart Foundation —- Visited: 14 Times
Listing id: 45236
The Heart Foundation is dedicated to providing information and support to Australians affected by cardiovascular disease.
Project Compassion – Caritas Australia —- Visited: 36 Times
Listing id: 45029
Project Compassion helps to fight poverty and social injustice around the world. Your support helps improve lives like Kaluram’s. Your tax-deductible donation helps the poorest of the poor.
Website – Email
Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania —- Visited: 22 Times
Listing id: 44660
Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania offers a range of services to help people maintain and enhance their independence, freedom and safety, both inside the home and when moving about in the community. All our services are provided free of charge to the client, however, a claim for payment may be made to government agencies, employers, training groups or insurance bodies where appropriate.
RSPCA Tasmania —- Visited: 29 Times
Listing id: 45570
The RSPCA is a non-Government, community based charity which depends solely on donations and support from the public and volunteers. Its primary objectives are to prevent cruelty to animals, lobby to amend or enact new legislation for the protection of animals, educate the community with regard to the humane treatment of animals, and manage homes or shelters for the care, treatment, maintenance and protection of animals.
Website – Email
SecondBite —- Visited: 65 Times
Listing id: 45810
SecondBite is committed to making a positive difference to people by identifying sources of nutritious surplus fresh food and produce that might otherwise go to waste and facilitating its safe and timely distribution to agencies and people in need.
Website – Email
St John Ambulance Australia —- Visited: 24 Times
Listing id: 45610
St John Ambulance Australia is a self-funding charitable organisation active in all states and territories, dedicated to helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger. St John is Australia’s leading provider of first aid training, first aid services at public events and supplier of first aid kits and equipment.
St Vincent De Paul Society —- Visited: 27 Times
Listing id: 45092
The Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.
Sydney City Mission —- Visited: 19 Times
Listing id: 45169
Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God.
Website – Email
Tascare Society For Children —- Visited: 103 Times
Listing id: 45622
TASCARE was originally founded as the Tasmanian Society for the Care of Crippled Children in 1935. TASCARE is one of the oldest organisations in Australia concerned about the issues facing children and young people with disabilities, and their families.
Website – Email
The Smith Family —- Visited: 61 Times
Listing id: 45245
The Smith Family is a children’s charity helping disadvantaged Australian children to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves.
Website – Email
Variety The Children’s Charity —- Visited: 52 Times
Listing id: 45184
Variety, the Children’s Charity is a national not-for-profit organisation empowering children who are sick, disadvantaged or who have special needs. All donor funds raised are directed back into the local communities of Australia.
Website – Email
Young Life Australia Inc. —- Visited: 74 Times
Listing id: 45858
Young Life seeks to reach out to teenagers and instil a sense of purpose and meaning through significant relationships with active adult role models. We achieve this through the commitment of a motivated youth leadership team skilled in encouraging, mentoring and lending a willing ear.
Website – Email