Scouts and Scout Groups Clubs in South Australia
Clubs Listed : 54
1st Beaumont Scout Group —- Visited: 157 Times
Listing id: 40980
The 1st Beaumont Scout Group was established in 1955 and supports Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers.
Website – Email
1st Blackwood Scout Group —- Visited: 115 Times
Listing id: 40982
The 1st Blackwood Scout Group is part of the Highlands District in South Australia. The District comprises an area of the southern foothills south east of Adelaide. The badge shows the three towers on Mount Lofty, the highest feature in the area when it was formerly part of the District. The badge was designed by Fred Bray, a former Scout.
Website – Email
1st College Park Scout Group —- Visited: 117 Times
Listing id: 40986
The College Park Scout Group has provided a service to the Joslin – St Peters area since 1910. It is located at 95 Fourth Ave Joslin and is proud to be part of this neighbourhood.
Website – Email
1st Gawler Scout Group —- Visited: 106 Times
Listing id: 40991
The 1st Gawler Scout Group is the only scout group in Gawler, South Australia and operates a range of scouting sections from Joeys to Venturers. You can find us at Holmes Street, Willaston, S.A.
Website – Email 08 8522 …
1st Kilkenny Scout Group —- Visited: 115 Times
Listing id: 41002
Group leader: Hadi Moughnie: Fee: $55.00 per term plus a scout uniform. Friday night during school terms. Joeys age 6-8 years from 6:00 – 7:15 pm / Cubs age 7.5-11 years from 6:00 – 7:15 pm / Scouts age 10.5-15 years from 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Come to try the first 3 Friday night on us – Yesterday’s values, today’s adventures, tomorrow’s leaders – Scouts!
Website – Email 0430 884 …
1st Magill Scout Group —- Visited: 103 Times
Listing id: 41006
1st Magill Scout Group is located at Woodforde Rd., Magill, SA 5072.
Email 08 165 37…
2nd Prospect Sea Scout Group —- Visited: 149 Times
Listing id: 41019
2nd Prospect Sea Scout Group is located at 389 Regency Road, Prospect, SA .
Website – Email 8269 7649…
Belair Scout Group —- Visited: 109 Times
Listing id: 40981
The Belair Scout Hall is located at Downer Ave, Belair, SA 5052.
Website – Email 08 8278 …
Camden Park Scout Group —- Visited: 138 Times
Listing id: 40983
Camden Park Scout Group is located in South Australian North Western district, which includes groups between us and Port Adelaide. On the corner of Bristol Ave. and Deeds Road in the Adelaide Suburb of Camden Park 5038.
Website – Email
Clare Scout Group —- Visited: 89 Times
Listing id: 40984
Clare Scout Group may be reached thru PO Box 83, CLARE, SA 5453.
Website – Email 8842 310…
Cleve Scout Group —- Visited: 46 Times
Listing id: 40985
Cleve Scout Group is located at South Terrace Cleve, SA 5640 .
Website – Email 08 8628 0…
Eden Hills Scout Group —- Visited: 66 Times
Listing id: 40987
Eden Hills Scout Group is located in the Highlands Scout District which includes 4 other groups – Aberfoyle Park, Belair, Blackwood and Flagstaff Hill. Our Youth Members, both girls and boys aged six to eighteen are central to why the group exists and how we operate. The group has approximately 100 children across Joey, Cub, Scout and Venturer sections.
Website – Email
Flagstaff Hill Scout Group —- Visited: 78 Times
Listing id: 40988
The Flagstaff Hill Scout Group is the largest Scout Group in South Australia and part of the Highlands Scout District. Weekly meetings are held in the combined Scout and Guide Complex ‘Taikaringa’ located at 161 Black Road, Flagstaff Hill.
Website – Email
Flinders Park Scout Group —- Visited: 124 Times
Listing id: 40989
Flinders Park Scout Group is located at 4 Alice Street, Findon, SA .
Website – Email 8130 600…
Fulham Sea Scout Group —- Visited: 170 Times
Listing id: 40990
Fulham Sea Scout Group is located at Coral Sea Avenue. Fulham, SA .
Website 8356 610…
Gilberton Scout Group —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 40992
Gilberton Scout Group is located at 3a Redmond Street, Collinswood SA 5081.
Gin Gin Scout Group —- Visited: 7 Times
Listing id: 40854
The Gin Gin Scout Group is part of the Bundaberg District and has active Sections covering Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts located at 56 Elliott Street, Gin Gin QLD 4671.
07 3870 7…
Glanville Hall Scout Group —- Visited: 90 Times
Listing id: 40994
The Glanville Hall Sea Scout Group or GHSS was established in 1965 and is located in the old Coach House adjacent to historic Glanville Hall and the Par 3 golf course in Semaphore South in the heart of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield council area.
Website – Email
Greenwith Scout Group —- Visited: 79 Times
Listing id: 40995
Greenwith is a young scout group nestled in the foot hills, north east of Adelaide, South Australia. We are part of the Ardtornish District, we are growing fast and growing strong.
Hallet Cove Scout Group —- Visited: 87 Times
Listing id: 40996
The Hallett Cove Scout Group was established as the Cove Scout Group. The original badge represented Black Cliff in the Hallett Cove Conservation Park and the Cove Beach.
Website – Email
Hawthorn Scout Group —- Visited: 100 Times
Listing id: 40997
The Hawthorn Group of Scouts (as it was originally known) began in 1914 located at 11 Egmont Terrace, Hawthorn, SA.
Website – Email 08 8271 …
Hope Valley Scout Group —- Visited: 102 Times
Listing id: 40999
Hope Valley Scout Group is situated in the North Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia and is part of the Ardtornish District.
Website – Email
Ingle Farm Scout Group —- Visited: 16 Times
Listing id: 41000
Ingle Farm Scout Group is located at Canna Road, Ingle Farm, SA.
08 260 1…
Kallangur Scout Group —- Visited: 32 Times
Listing id: 40881
The Group began unofficially in 1950 with the first Group Leader being the Rev. Hugh Ballard, 1951 saw the official launch of the Kallangur Scout Group. First meetings of the Scout Troop were held in the home dormitory until they moved into the hall under the church where they also established Patrol Dens. Cubs commenced in 1954, under the Leadership of John Dearden, assisted by Elizabeth Lauder (Baghera) and Allison Ballard (Baloo).
Website – Email
Kidman Park Scout Group —- Visited: 93 Times
Listing id: 41001
Kidman Park Scout Group is located at 11 Montrose Avenue Seaton, SA.
Website – Email 8234 069… 0414 235 …
Kingscote Scout Group —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 41003
Kingscote Scout Group is located at Franklin St., Kingscote, SA 5223.
Lac Viet Scout Group —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 41004
Lac Viet Scout Group is located at 11 Gladstone Ave., Kilburn, SA 5084.
Malanda Scout Group —- Visited: 22 Times
Listing id: 40898
Our Committee works to administer all sections of our Scout Group and is comprised of parents elected at the Annual General Meeting. The aim of the committee is to provide support and resources so that the regular pack meetings can be held.
Manor Farm Scout Group —- Visited: 32 Times
Listing id: 41007
Manor Farm Scout Group is located at Northbri Ave. Salisbury East, SA.
Email 08 281 41…
Mount Lofty Scout Group —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 41008
Mount Lofty Scout Group is located at Pine St (cnr Milan Tce), Stirling, SA 5152.
Murat Bay Scout Group —- Visited: 49 Times
Listing id: 41009
Murat Bay Scout Group is located at Smith Road, Ceduna Bay, SA 5690.
Website – Email 08 8625 … 0429 679…
Murray Bridge Scout Group —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 41010
Murray Bridge Scout Group is located at Green Street, Mypolonga, SA 5254.
Mypolonga Scout Group —- Visited: 45 Times
Listing id: 41011
All our Leaders are volunteers and put many hours into ensuring your child/children are safe and have many happy end exciting experiences while they are with us. We are always looking for more leaders and welcome anyone to join our great team.
Website – Email
Northfield Sea Scout Group —- Visited: 66 Times
Listing id: 41012
Northfield Sea Scout Group is located at Corner Pettit St & West Ave, Northfield, SA.
Website 8258 3750…
Northridge / Para Vista Scout Group —- Visited: 16 Times
Listing id: 41013
Northridge / Para Vista Scout Group is located at Kentish Green, Warren Road, Para Vista, SA.
08 283 06…
One Tree Hill Scout Group —- Visited: 55 Times
Listing id: 41014
One Tree Hill Scout Group is located at the McGilp community recreation and sports area on the McGilp road near the One Tree Hill Primary School. Our Scout Hall is a more than a colourbond frame and concrete floor shed.
Website – Email
Pembroke Scout Group —- Visited: 22 Times
Listing id: 41016
Pembroke Scout Group is located at Dunstan Ave, Kensington Park, SA 5068.
Port Lincoln Scout Group —- Visited: 0 Times
Listing id: 41017
Port Lincoln Scout Group is located at Cnr Knott Street & Matthew Place, Kirton Point, SA 5606.
Port Noarlunga Sea Scout Group —- Visited: 73 Times
Listing id: 41018
Our Group was founded in 1967. We have a modern spacious hall set in large grounds in W.M. Hunt Park off River Road adjacent to the Onkaparinga River. Being a Sea Scout group we are equipped with a flotilla of water craft including Patrol Boats and Canoes.
Website – Email
Proserpine Scout Group —- Visited: 30 Times
Listing id: 40938
The Proserpine Scout Group is part of the Central and Coastal Region. We are an active Scout Group providing a great way for the leaders of tomorrow to learn adventure skills and sense of community through crafts, outdoor activity and challenges. Scouting is for boys and girls from ages 6 to 26 in sections called Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts, and Rovers.
Website – Email
Ridgehaven Scout Group —- Visited: 69 Times
Listing id: 41020
Ridgehaven Scout Group is located at 449 Milne Rd., Ridgehaven, SA 5097.
Website – Email 08264 355…
Royal Park Scout Group —- Visited: 65 Times
Listing id: 41021
Royal Park Scout Group is located at 16-18 Forest Ave., Royal Park, SA .
Website 8268 238…
Salisbury Heights Sea Scout Group —- Visited: 31 Times
Listing id: 41022
Salisbury Heights Sea Scout Group is located at 62 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA.
Email 08 250 65…
Salisbury North Scout Group —- Visited: 53 Times
Listing id: 41023
Salisbury North Scout Group is located at Bagster Rd., Salisbury North, SA 5108.
Email 08 280 93…
Salisbury SA Scout Group —- Visited: 34 Times
Listing id: 41024
Salisbury SA Scout Group is located at Memorial Ave, Salisbury, SA 5108.
Email 8 252 45…
Scouts SA —- Visited: 63 Times
Listing id: 40993
Scouts SA have entered exciting times as we enter the second century of our history. This decade has seen an increase in our membership as parent’s seek out the FUN, ACTION, ADVENTURE and VALUES they themselves experienced as children.
Website – Email
Semaphore Scout Group —- Visited: 96 Times
Listing id: 41025
Semaphore Scout Group is located at Paige Building, 19 Butler Ave, Pennington, SA 5013.
Website – Email 8248 3369… 0414 800 …
Southern Barossa Scout Group —- Visited: 43 Times
Listing id: 41026
Scouting started in the Lyndoch area around June 1931 with the Reverend C.W.L Noon being the first registered “Scout Master”. Recruiting of leaders ceased around September 1938. The Historical register shows a continuation of a Scout Troop until a final record entry for 1940.
St. Kilda Sea Scout Group —- Visited: 11 Times
Listing id: 41027
St. Kilda Sea Scout Group is located at alimna Crescent, Paralowie, SA 5108.
08 281 04…