Toastmasters Clubs in Australia Capital Territory
Clubs Listed : 26
Ainslie Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 122 Times
Listing id: 26325
The club is located at Ainslie Football Club, 52 Wakefield Avenue, Ainslie ACT
Email 6262 794…
Brindabella Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 52 Times
Listing id: 26693
The club venue is located at Chisholm Community Centre, 15-19 Halley St., Chisholm ACT
Email 6231 4041…
Bruce Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 620 Times
Listing id: 26326
Bruce Toastmasters Club celebrated its 20th anniversary in March 2009. We have enthusiastic and friendly members, and our meetings are friendly and informal while being conducted within a set agenda and time frame. The Club has many different levels of speakers.
Canberra City Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 673 Times
Listing id: 26329
We are a very friendly club dedicated to improving the communication and leadership skills of each member. We provide learning opportunities in a positive and supportive environment and welcome guests and new members.
Canberra Gourmet Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 52 Times
Listing id: 26694
The club venue is in Various restaurants around Canberra, Contact Club for details
Email 4845 6207…
Centrelink Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 39 Times
Listing id: 26690
The club venue is located at Tuggeranong Office Park, Caroline Chisholm Centre, 57 Athlon Drive, Greenway ACT
Email 6131 0437…
Civic Toastmasters —- Visited: 209 Times
Listing id: 48172
Civic Toastmasters provides a great environment to develop your communication and leadership skills through training and practice. Our club meets once a fortnight on Tuesdays between 12:30pm and 1:30pm in Civic, Canberra. We invite you to visit our club meetings so that you can see if Civic Toastmasters is right for you.
Website – Email
Early Risers Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 62 Times
Listing id: 26330
The club is located at Canberra Labor Club, Petrie Plaza, Civic, Canberra City, ACT
Email 0433 318 …
Ginninderra Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 345 Times
Listing id: 26337
Ginninderra Toastmasters Club serves the Belconnen area of Canberra, and is part of the Toastmasters International organisation.
Immigration Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 48 Times
Listing id: 26327
The club is located at Department Immigration & Citizenship 6 Chan St., Belconnen, ACT 2616
Email 0422 235 …
Kippax Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 247 Times
Listing id: 26335
The club is located at West Belconnen Leagues Club, Cnr Hardwick Cres. & Flack Street, Holt, ACT
Website – Email 6259 1525… 0447 195 …
Majura Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 280 Times
Listing id: 26334
We at Majura Toastmasters believe that by providing a supportive learning environment, anyone can learn to manage those butterflies in the stomach, and become a confident communicator.
Manuka Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 342 Times
Listing id: 26691
Manuka Toastmasters meets in the wonderful atmosphere of the Italo-Australian Club in Franklin Street, Forrest, Canberra, on the Wednesday of Public Service pay week. The meetings start at 6:30 pm and last about an hour.
Namadgi Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 31 Times
Listing id: 26689
The club venue is located at Town Centre Rugby Union Club, Town Centre, Greenway ACT
Email 6294 0416…
Sunday Brunch Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 64 Times
Listing id: 26328
The club is located at Pancake Parlour, 122 Alinga, Canberra City, ACT
Email 6238 2825… 0407 104 …
The Toastmasters, Canberra —- Visited: 304 Times
Listing id: 47567
‘THE’ Toastmasters is an advanced club, with high quality and entertaining speakers.
The University Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 72 Times
Listing id: 26324
The club is located in Australian National University, Acton ACT
Email 0425 246 …
Training in Focus Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 240 Times
Listing id: 26336
Training In Focus is a specialist Toastmaster club for people who wish to join Toastmasters for the first time, and for Toastmasters from other clubs, who are interested in becoming better trainers and speakers. The club is located at West Belconnen Leagues Club, Cnr Hardwick Cres. and Flack St, Holt, ACT.
Website – Email
Triangle Toastmasters —- Visited: 200 Times
Listing id: 47941
A very warm welcome waits for you at Triangle Toastmasters in Canberra, where you can learn presentation skills in a supportive & encouraging environment at your own pace.
Website – Email 6262 1057…
Tuggeranong Valley Toastmasters Clubs —- Visited: 53 Times
Listing id: 26695
The club venue is located at The Calwell Club, 1 Were St., Calwell ACT
Email 0417 495 …
Twilight Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 273 Times
Listing id: 26331
The club is located at The Canberra Club, 45 West Row, Canberra City, ACT
Website – Email 6286 3085…
University II Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 33 Times
Listing id: 26332
University II Toastmaster Club
Email 0405 955 …
Weston Creek Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 85 Times
Listing id: 26688
The club venue is located at Hellenic Club, Matilda St., Phillip ACT
Email 0412 033 …
Woden Lunchtime Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 227 Times
Listing id: 26686
The club was chartered in 1988. Since then, the club has attracted membership from people in a variety of businesses & organisations in the Woden area.
Woden Valley Toastmasters Club —- Visited: 252 Times
Listing id: 26692
Woden Valley is the oldest Toastmaster club in Canberra, established in 1974. We are a fun and diverse group which meets every fortnight (off PS pay week), Wednesday 7:30pm at Deakin Football Club.